To Be versus To Appear

To Be versus To Appear

Basswood, hemlock, stain, varnish

76.2 x 15.24 x 15.24 cm.


 "Whatever care a man takes to disguise himself, his natural nature sooner or later makes him appear as he is."

Étienne François de VERNAGE - Maximes et réflexions (1690).

Between the appearances of what we show and the truth of what we are, here lies the ambiguity between Being and Appearance.

This incomplete skin covering the face is the Appearance. It's a disguise, a mirage or illusion of the truth about who we really are. It's a way of hiding from others what we don't accept about ourselves, our shortcomings that give rise to our unhappiness. In this way, our daily lives become a masked ball, with everyone hiding behind a function, a character trait or a fashion.

This head made of planks symbolizes the Being under construction. Indeed, the Being suffers from having an imprecise definition of itself, since it is constructed through self-experience, and is always in the process of becoming. It is by shaping ourselves through human relationships, experience, sharing and confrontation with others that we change and evolve. This evolution of Being is therefore a search for and a construction of the self.

Certificate of authenticity and legal receipt with Quebec company number incl.

 CAD $400 / Delivery costs extra, please contact us.



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