Ego-system versus Ecosystem


Ego-system versus ecosystem

Pine, lime, cedar, iron, aluminum, stain, varnish paint

132.08 x 45.72 x 30.48 cm. (excluding stand)


Our ego, this self-constructed representation of ourselves through our experiences, tends to identify with our possessions and what we do to obtain them. It has a fundamental thirst for existence and pleasure, which translates into the urge to possess. He says to himself: "The more I possess and the harder I work to achieve it, the more unique, valuable and worthy of recognition I am. To secure this feeling of being more, he sets out to control as much as possible, so as not to be caught off-guard by others and himself. This mode of operation leads to unbridled overactivity, which has an impact on the environment. The personal ego thus becomes part of a universal ego, blind to the destruction it can cause. He unconsciously hopes that nature will continue to comply with this suicidal quest.

This work is a portrait of a production system that is leading to the deregulation of what is vital to us: water, air and food. Among humans, the victims of this climatic and social chaos are first and foremost the people of developing countries. But for many years now, the deterioration of ecosystems has been affecting the animals represented by this starving polar bear, which in turn affects us. Nature, symbolized by this middle finger, cares very little about our attempts to limit the damage and continue to submit her to our egocentric madness. She will outlive us.

Certificate of authenticity and legal receipt with Quebec company no.

$2,500 CAD / Delivery costs extra, please contact us.


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